LED Treatment

Facial & Body Treatments


Low-level light therapy (LLLT) is the therapeutic use of light emitting diode (LED) light to enhance your body’s natural cellular recovery, improving healing times, relieving pain, subsiding active acne, promoting skin rejuvenation and more. The pain free and non-invasive treatment delivers concentrated energy deep into your tissue affecting your body at a cellular level.

Your therapist can use LLLT as a standalone therapy or as an adjunctive enhancement of recovery with nearly any procedure.

The deep penetrating LED lights are soothing, they target deep into the skin cells to heighten their internal functions, photo-stimulate dermal blood flow and induce faster healing, decrease pain, reduce acne and more.


LED ADD ON - $35

LED BODY - $40

Packages available - Call or Email for more information



How comfortable is the treatment?

Very. In fact, many patients find it relaxing.

How many treatments will I need?

Your therapist will discuss your treatment goals with you these goals will determine the number of treatments you will need. Typically patients are treated 2 times a week over a period of time and many patients see and feel results after just one treatment.

How long are the treatments?

Relatively short, depending on your therapist treatment plan. Typically treatments last between 10 and 20 minutes.

How long is the downtime?

There isn’t any downtime from the standalone Healite II treatment. However, if the Healite II treatment is an adjunctive treatment, there may be an associated downtime to your other procedure. Your therapist will discuss this with you during your consultation.